Cordon Count post / station on-link attributes @stn1 and @stn2. Count posts are numbered [Region 1-5][Local number][Direction 1-4], so Toronto station 50 EB is 100504, Durham station 5204 SB is 252043, etc.
Extension of Morning Star Drive to Humberwood Blvd (under the 427)
Other recommended changes from feedback
Fixing of found network artefacts
Inclusion of two new GO Stations: Guelph Central, and Allandale Waterfront. Neither had any scheduled train service in 2012, however, they are included for future years.
Modified walk modes/one-way-ness of Sherman Access in Hamilton. Turn restrictions added to simulate the restricted nature of this street.
Added-in Mi-Way route 9 (M009) A & B which were somehow lost.
Fixed the transit service table to include correct Emme ID for Durham route 923.
Included link extra attribute @z407, representing 407ETR fare zone [0= Not tolled, 1= Light zone, 2= Regular zone].